The Dangers of Chemical Sunscreen During Pregnancy

Posted on June 5, 2023

women standing in the sun asking is chemical sunscreen safe for pregnancy?


The Dangers of Chemical Sunscreen During Pregnancy


When I found out I was pregnant, my initial step was to identify which skincare and beauty products I should replace to avoid those containing ingredients that might pose a safety risk during my pregnancy

Having worked as a fashion model for more than ten years, I’ve always prioritized using SPF to ward off premature aging, starting from my teenage years. are chemical sunscreens safe during pregnancycame up as one of my first Google searches. Besides anti-aging,  sunscreen is a crucial tool when it comes to preventing the development of skin cancer, affecting between 2 and 3 million people globally each year when it comes to  non-melanoma skin cancers and 132,000 people when it comes to melanoma skin cancers, according to the WHO

Unfortunately, my daily sunscreen-containing moisturizer was the first product I had to tackle when making my skincare routine pregnancy-safe.

As mentioned on ingredients to avoid during pregnancy, research on skincare during pregnancy is limited, and when it comes to sunscreen, the landscape is no different. 

Before getting pregnant, I didn’t live a typical healthy lifestyle and would happily crush a bottle of wine (or two) with a girlfriend. But when I became a first-time mom-to-be, I decided to make as many right choices as possible so that my  ‘little bean’ could start from a clean slate.


The Importance of Sunscreen during Pregnancy


Discovering you’re pregnant often prompts a reassessment of skincare products, particularly those with potential risks. As a former fashion model, I prioritized SPF for years, making it essential to find a pregnancy-safe alternative when expecting. Sunscreen plays a crucial role in preventing premature aging and skin cancer, affecting millions globally. 

Ensuring the safety of my skincare routine led me to research alternatives, especially considering the concerns surrounding chemical sunscreen during pregnancy. Wearing sunscreen is crucial for overall skin health, and this importance is amplified during pregnancy. Sunscreen protects the skin from harmful UV rays, preventing premature aging, dark spots, and other sun-related issues.


Hormonal Changes and Sunscreen Needs


Pregnancy introduces hormonal changes, making the skin more sensitive and prone to issues like melasma. Sun exposure during this time can worsen these conditions. Choosing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 becomes vital to protect against UV rays and potential risks. 

The American Academy of Dermatology emphasizes the significance of UVB protection in pregnancy, as UVB rays are responsible for sunburns and can contribute to skin aging and the development of skin cancer. It is crucial to opt for sunscreens providing broad-spectrum protection to shield against both UVA and UVB rays.

Research indicates that the hormonal changes during pregnancy may make the skin more susceptible to sunburn. This heightened sensitivity underscores the need for effective sun protection. The hormonal changes during pregnancy can make the skin more sensitive and prone to pigmentation changes known as melasma or “pregnancy mask.” Sun exposure can exacerbate these issues. Pregnancy-safe sunscreens not only protect against premature aging but also serve as a defense against skin cancer, a condition affecting millions globally. 


Identifying High-Risk Ingredients


Oxybenzone, a common sunscreen ingredient, poses concerns due to its ability to cross the placenta, making it relevant when considering chemical sunscreen during pregnancy. Research links it to potential adverse effects, such as Hirschsprung’s Disease.

Studies have shown that Oxybenzone, also known as benzophenone-3 or BP-3, is used in a majority of sunscreen products and can pass through the skin and placenta to the baby. The Environmental Working Group (EWG) cautions against Oxybenzone, emphasizing its potential to reach the developing fetus. A recent study even demonstrated that women with medium to high oxybenzone levels in their urine were more likely to give birth to neonates with Hirschsprung’s Disease.

This rare condition affects a baby’s large intestine, leading to constipation, vomiting, and feeding difficulties due to the absence of nerve cells needed for proper colon function. Oxybenzone, therefore, became a high-risk ingredient that I added to my first Google sheet of ingredients to look out for in skincare and beauty products while pregnant. This database of risky ingredients full of medical research has been continuously growing with the help of our community as more scientific peer-reviewed research becomes available. 


Chemical sunscreen ingredients to avoid when pregnant


Some products labeled as Oxybenzone-free might still contain other chemical sunscreen ingredients that could be best avoided during pregnancy, as they are recognized as endocrine disruptors. With FDA regulations on chemical sunscreens being limited, it’s wise to proceed with caution. Little Bean App streamlines this process by providing summaries from peer-reviewed medical research on potentially harmful ingredients.

Octinoxate pregnancy

While seeking Oxybenzone-free alternatives, it’s essential to be aware that some products may replace it with Octinoxate. Octinoxate, along with Homosalate and Avobenzone, is known to have a high skin absorption rate and is classified as an endocrine disruptor. These disruptors can interfere with the hormonal system, potentially impacting the transition from a fertilized egg to a fully formed infant.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) notes that at least six different chemical sunscreen ingredients penetrate the skin. However, the FDA does not attest to their safety, and regulations on chemical sunscreens in the United States are limited. This provides another assertion to avoid chemical sunscreen during pregnancy. Human research on the effects of these ingredients on in-vitro development and the course of pregnancy is scarce, categorizing them as medium-level risk ingredients in the Little Bean app.


Accidentally used chemical sunscreen while pregnant?


To avoid this from happening again in the future, you can simply utilize our pregnancy safe ingredient checker , accessible on both IOS and Android, to determine if your product contains any chemical sunscreen ingredients that could be potentially harmful during pregnancy. Our app streamlines this process by providing summaries from peer-reviewed medical research for each potentially harmful ingredient identified. This way, you can avoid the time-consuming task of googling every single ingredient on your SPF product. As always, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns or feel unsure about using sunscreen or other skincare products during pregnancy.


Swapping Chemical for Mineral Sunscreen during pregnancy


Mineral sunscreens with Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide provide a safe alternative to chemical sunscreen during pregnancy. These physical blockers remain on the skin’s surface, eliminating threats to the fetus. Little Bean App will soon feature a curated list of recommended mineral SPF products.

Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide, the active ingredients in mineral sunscreens, create a physical barrier on the skin’s surface. Unlike chemical sunscreens, which may be absorbed into the bloodstream, these minerals act as a shield, effectively reflecting and scattering UV rays.

Research suggests that mineral-based sunscreens offer a safe option during pregnancy by providing effective UV protection without the potential risks associated with chemical alternatives. The inert nature of these minerals reduces the likelihood of adverse effects on the developing fetus, making them a preferred choice for expectant mothers.


The best pregnancy-safe sunscreen recommendations.


To save you the trouble of finding pregnancy-safe sunscreens, I want to share with you the products that the Little Bean and our users have been raving about. 

SunBum Mineral Face Lotion $:

  • Safety: Broad spectrum blocks 97% of UVB rays SPF 30
  • Effectiveness: Transparent, UVA-UVB protection
  • Active ingredients: titanium dioxide, zinc oxide
  • Great for: Under foundation, acne-prone skin

EltaMD UV Clear Face Sunscreen $$$:

  • Safety: Dermatologist recommended SPF 46
  • Effectiveness: Transparent, UVA-UVB protection
  • Active ingredients: Zinc Oxide, Niacinamide
  • Great for: Sensitive Skin prone to acne-prone skin concern

Drunk Elephant Umbra Tinted Moisturizer $$:

  • Safety: Broad Spectrum SPF 30
  • Effectiveness: Transparent, UVA-UVB protection
  • Active ingredients: zinc oxide 20%, sunflower shoot extract and raspberry seed oil. 
  • Great for: Tinted light coverage

These recommendations align with research-backed ingredients that offer both safety and effectiveness in sun protection during pregnancy. For additional recommendations, you can check out our blog post where we feature some of the top pregnancy safe Korean sunscreen options.  

The Role of Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide vs Chemical Sunscreen during pregnancy


Choosing mineral sunscreens with Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide is a key aspect of ensuring pregnancy-safe sun protection. These physical blockers create a protective barrier on the skin’s surface, preventing harmful UV rays from penetrating.

Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide are inert minerals that sit atop the skin, forming a physical barrier against UVA and UVB rays. Unlike chemical sunscreens that work by absorbing UV radiation, these minerals reflect and scatter the rays away from the skin. This not only ensures effective sun protection but also eliminates the risk of these minerals being absorbed into the bloodstream and potentially affecting the developing fetus.


Broad-Spectrum Protection and its Significance in Pregnancy


The concept of broad-spectrum protection extends beyond shielding against UVB and UVA rays. It encompasses a comprehensive defense against various harmful elements, emphasizing its significance in pregnancy-safe skincare.

Pregnant women, who are heightenedly sensitive to hormonal changes, greatly benefit from broad-spectrum sunscreens. These formulations not only prevent sunburns (associated with UVB rays) but also guard against the deeper-penetrating UVA rays, which are known for causing premature aging.

The American Academy of Dermatology stresses the importance of choosing broad-spectrum sunscreens for overall skin health. This approach ensures a well-rounded defense and addresses the diverse challenges posed by sun exposure during pregnancy. Pregnancy-safe sunscreens with broad-spectrum protection align with these recommendations, providing comprehensive care for both mothers and their developing ‘little beans.’


Sun Exposure and Potential Hormone Disruption


Understanding the impact of sun exposure on hormone disruption during pregnancy is crucial in making informed skincare choices. Harmful UV rays can trigger hormonal changes in the skin, emphasizing the need for effective protection.

Pregnancy hormones already make the skin more susceptible to pigmentation changes and sunburn. Excessive sun exposure may exacerbate these issues and contribute to hormonal disruption. Research suggests a link between prolonged sun exposure and alterations in hormone levels.

Pregnant individuals can mitigate the risks associated with sun-induced hormone disruption by choosing pregnancy-safe sunscreens with broad-spectrum protection. These sunscreens act as a barrier, preventing the harmful effects of UV rays on hormonal balance, thereby contributing to a safer pregnancy skincare routine.

Alternatively, you can use a pregnancy-safe self tanner, which we discuss in detail in another one of our blog posts.


Navigating pregnancy-safe skincare, especially sunscreen, demands diligence. Let the Little Bean app be your guide, ensuring both you and your ‘little bean’ can enjoy the sun safely. Discover the best sunscreen for pregnancy with confidence and informed decision-making. Your skincare choices impact not only you but also contribute to the well-being of your growing ‘little bean.’ Explore the world of safe and effective sun protection tailored for this beautiful phase of life.

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