Pregnancy Safe Deodorant: A Guide to Staying Fresh and Healthy

Posted on January 24, 2024


pregnancy safe ingredients in deoderant

Pregnancy Safe Deodorant: A Guide to Staying Fresh and Healthy


As mentioned in our previous interview with Dr. Heather Rogers, MD, heightened blood vessel dilation during pregnancy makes the skin more absorbent, emphasizing the importance of analyzing skincare products, including pregnancy-safe deodorants.  Ingredients like triclosan and phthalates, commonly found in antiperspirants, have been flagged by studies and healthcare professionals as potential hormone disruptors, raising concerns about their use during pregnancy.

Expecting mothers, experiencing hormonal shifts, increased blood circulation, higher metabolism, and weight gain, may find themselves using more deodorant.  However, popular choices like Dove, Secret, and Degree often contain fragrance, which can conceal phthalates in the ingredient list.  Given this, a careful examination of deodorant ingredients becomes crucial for those who prioritize caution during pregnancy.

Taking proactive measures is crucial when considering the impact of what you apply to your skin during pregnancy, as heightened absorption rates can directly influence your body.

Opting for deodorants with transparent ingredient lists and avoiding potential hormone disruptors can contribute to a healthier and more secure pregnancy skincare routine.

Why Pregnancy Safe Deodorants are Essential

During pregnancy, your body experiences profound changes, including a 50 percent increase in blood volume to support your baby’s needs.  This surge in blood flow extends to vessels near your skin and armpits, leading to heightened circulation that may induce warmth and flushing. 

This physiological shift can result in excessive sweating and changes in body odor. While reaching for your regular deodorant might seem instinctive, it’s important to assess its ingredients, especially concerning chemicals like triclosan or phthalates.

Studies on exposure to triclosan during pregnancy have shown that the highest levels of this substance are found in products applied to the skin. This compound is suggested to potentially diminish vital thyroid hormones crucial for fetal growth and development Fragrance, another common deodorant ingredient, poses its own challenge. 

Fragrances often conceal phthalates, which, despite potential health concerns, the FDA does not require companies to list this ingredient on the ingredient label due to trade secrets. Studies have associated phthalate exposure during pregnancy with motor skills issues in children.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends, when feasible, avoiding beauty and personal care products containing phthalates during pregnancy. 

To navigate this, our pregnancy safe ingredient checker can help you assess if your beauty products contain substances like triclosan or phthalates, ensuring a more informed and cautious approach to your skincare routine.

Effects of Aluminum in Antiperspirants during Pregnancy

Distinguishing between deodorant and antiperspirant is crucial for understanding their functions: deodorants primarily address body odor, while antiperspirants, classified as over-the-counter drugs, work by closing sweat glands to prevent perspiration.  While technically “natural” antiperspirants are not available, there are natural deodorants with moisture-absorbing properties, offering an alternative approach.

In antiperspirants, aluminum is often the active ingredient responsible for blocking sweat ducts and reducing surface sweat.  During pregnancy, concerns emerge about potential aluminum absorption through the skin, given the heightened blood circulation. 

Studies conducted on mice and rats exposed to elevated doses of Aluminum Chloride during pregnancy revealed alarming findings.  The research indicated a correlation between such exposure and the occurrence of birth defects. Additionally, Aluminum Chloride was identified as both an endocrine disruptor and a potential reproductive inhibitor. 

These significant findings underscore the need for careful consideration of aluminum exposure during pregnancy due to its potential implications on fetal development and reproductive health.

However, the evidence regarding the impact of aluminum absorption through dermal application in humans remains inconclusive due to a lack of well-designed studies. Ongoing research questions the safety of using aluminum-containing antiperspirants during pregnancy, particularly in the underarm area, where skin absorption is more significant. 

Many, including pregnant women, opt for aluminum-free deodorant alternatives, such as organic deodorants, to address these concerns.  Organic deodorants often feature natural formulations with ingredients like baking soda to neutralize odor and arrowroot powder for sweat absorption and drying.  These alternatives offer effective body odor control without relying on aluminum compounds. 

Embracing organic deodorants with natural ingredients like baking soda and arrowroot powder not only offers an effective solution to control body odor but also aligns with a proactive approach to minimize potential risks during the unique journey of pregnancy.

Choosing aluminum-free deodorants becomes a conscious decision, allowing individuals to navigate their pregnancy with confidence and care.

Factors to consider when choosing Pregnancy Safe Deodorants

As an expectant mother navigating the myriad choices in the market, understanding the role of natural and organic alternatives becomes pivotal. Organic deodorants, in particular, have gained popularity among those prioritizing a holistic approach to skincare.  These formulations often incorporate ingredients like lavender, chamomile, and aloe vera, known for their soothing and nourishing properties. 

Choosing organic deodorants further aligns with the desire for chemical-free options, providing an additional layer of assurance during this transformative period.  Recognizing the significance of ingredient lists and mastering their interpretation involves a thorough examination of deodorant stick labels, especially for potential risks like aluminum chloride. 

The Little Bean app, accessible on both IOS and Android, simplifies this process by offering summaries from peer-reviewed medical research for each potentially harmful ingredient identified.  Dr. Rogers highlighted that the expansion of blood vessels during pregnancy heightens skin sensitivity, potentially making certain antiperspirants more irritating. Antiperspirants containing harsh chemicals like triclosan, phthalates, and aluminum may pose irritation risks due to increased skin sensitivity. 

Lifestyle preferences, especially those leaning towards embracing natural and chemical-free alternatives, should play a significant role in selecting deodorants during pregnancy.  Given heightened skin sensitivity, choosing pregnancy-safe deodorants—commonly labeled as “unscented” and free from potentially harmful ingredients—is crucial.

For those aligned with a holistic and DIY lifestyle, crafting your natural deodorant stick can be a fulfilling choice. Here’s a simple recipe:

  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of arrowroot powder
  • 2 tablespoons of raw unfiltered shea butter

This DIY deodorant is naturally aluminum-free and designed to be gentle on sensitive skin, providing effective control over body odor without irritation during your pregnancy journey. 

In the following sections, we will present suitable options that efficiently manage body odor and excessive sweat, offering confidence throughout your pregnancy journey.

Selecting the Best Deodorant for Pregnancy based on Skin Type

Recognizing how ingredients can impact various skin types becomes pivotal when selecting the optimal deodorant for pregnancy. Individuals with oily skin may find it beneficial to choose deodorants incorporating astringent properties, such as tea tree oil, to effectively manage excess oil. 

Alternatively, water-based formulas containing natural astringents like witch hazel offer an oil-control solution without introducing additional oils to the skin. For those with sensitive skin, it’s imperative to avoid harsh chemicals like triclosan. 

Instead, opt for fragrance-free deodorants enriched with soothing ingredients like chamomile or aloe vera. These natural elements not only provide effective odor control but are also deemed safe for pregnancy. 

Conducting a patch test before fully incorporating new products ensures compatibility with your skin, promoting a more confident and comfortable experience during pregnancy.

Top Pregnancy-Safe & Natural Deodorant in the Market

When searching for the best deodorant to ensure a safe and comfortable pregnancy, consider these top aluminum-free options, all approved by Little Bean for their commitment to natural ingredients.

Truvani Organic Aluminum-Free Deodorant Stick:

    • Safety: Formulated with 100% organic ingredients like arrowroot powder and baking soda.
    • Effectiveness: Highly regarded, although some users note the potential for white streaks.
    • Longevity: Most customers report it lasts around 4 hours.
    • Scent: Citrus

Earth Mama Calming Lavender Deoderant Stick:

    • Safety: Aluminum Free, Paraben free, Eco friendly.
    • Effectiveness: Overall positive, although some users note that the deodorant stick can flake off. 
    • Longevity: Offers 24 hours of odor protection.
    • Scent: Lavender (also available in ginger & citrus)
    • Great for: Sensitive Skin

Tom’s Unscented Deodorant Stick:

      • Safety: Cruelty-free, vegan deodorant with no artificial fragrances, paraben or preservatives.
      • Effectiveness: Highly positive reviews, with no reported white streaks.
      • Longevity: Offers 24 hours of odor protection.
      • Scent: Unscented
      • Great for: Sensitive Skin

Navigating the journey of pregnancy requires thoughtful choices. Consider exploring diverse deodorant options, emphasizing personal preferences, and skin sensitivity for an ideal fit.

These Little Bean-approved options ensure effective control over body odor without relying on harmful compounds, providing confidence throughout your pregnancy journey.

Additionally, it’s essential to recognize that individual preferences vary, and what works for one person may differ for another. While the mentioned deodorants have received positive reviews, it’s encouraged to explore different options and find the one that aligns best with your personal preferences and skin sensitivities.

Some individuals might prefer a different scent or prioritize longevity, while others may focus on specific ingredients. The journey to finding the best deodorant that is pregnancy-safe involves a bit of experimentation, and the market offers a diverse range of choices to cater to various needs.  Don’t hesitate to try out different brands and formulations to discover the ideal fit for your comfort and confidence throughout the remarkable stages of pregnancy.

In Conclusion

Establishing a pregnancy-safe deodorant routine is a crucial aspect of maintaining freshness and health during this transformative time.  By understanding your skin’s unique needs, analyzing ingredients, and exploring natural alternatives, you can confidently navigate the world of deodorants, ensuring both a comfortable and safe pregnancy experience. 

If you ever have questions or concerns about the products you’re using during pregnancy, it is advisable to consult with your medical provider. Stay Little Bean fresh!


Physiological changes in pregnancy | NCBI

Excessive Sweating and Night Sweats in Pregnancy | Very Well Family

Phthalates in Cosmetics | FDA

Prenatal and Childhood Exposure to Phthalates and Motor Skills at Age 11 Years | NCBI

Aluminium toxicosis: a review of toxic actions and effects | NCBI

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