Pregnancy safe skin care must-have: Squalane

Posted on April 17, 2024

Squalane and Pregnancy

pregnancy safe squalane moisturizer

During the transformative journey of pregnancy, many women pause to consider the safety of incorporating squalane, a prevalent ingredient found in various beauty products, into their skincare routines.

What is Squalane?


Squalane is a moisturizing ingredient commonly found in skincare products. It is derived from various natural sources, including olives, sugarcane, and shark liver. However, due to ethical and environmental concerns, most skincare products nowadays use squalane derived from plant sources rather than animal sources.

Squalane is highly regarded in skincare for its emollient properties, which refer to a substance’s ability to soften and soothe the skin by providing moisture and forming a protective barrier. It’s lightweight, non-greasy, and easily absorbed, making it suitable for all skin types, including acne-prone and sensitive skin.


Is Squalane Safe for Pregnancy


Squalane is widely regarded as safe for use in skincare products during pregnancy. This ingredient naturally occurs in our bodies, making it unlikely to harm the developing fetus.

Its non-irritating nature and low likelihood of causing allergic reactions make it a preferred option for expectant mothers seeking gentle yet effective skincare solutions. This natural ingredient has no known association with birth defects when used during pregnancy. 

However, as with any skincare ingredient, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating new products into your routine while pregnant, especially if you have specific concerns or sensitivities.

Safe Ways to Include Squalane in Your Pregnancy Skincare Routine

While some expectant mothers bask in the radiant “pregnancy glow,” others may encounter challenges like heightened dryness, acne, or stretch marks, often attributed to hormonal changes, as noted by board-certified dermatologist Dr. Heather D. Rogers.

Integrating pregnancy-safe squalane into your skincare regimen can provide crucial hydration and support for your skin during this time of change, helping you maintain that coveted pregnancy glow while addressing common skin concerns.

Safely and Effectively Addressing Dry Skin During Pregnancy with Squalane

During pregnancy, many women experience changes in their skin, including increased dryness. Incorporating squalane into your skincare routine can provide much-needed relief for pregnant women grappling with this issue.

Squalane is a naturally occurring lipid found in the skin’s sebum, which helps to keep it hydrated and supple. When applied topically, squalane can replenish moisture levels in the skin without clogging pores or causing irritation, making it an excellent choice for expectant mothers.

In addition to squalane, there are other ingredient recommendations that can help address dry skin during pregnancy. Topical use of vitamin E, known for its antioxidant properties, can nourish and protect the skin while promoting healing. Aloe vera, with its soothing and hydrating properties, can also provide relief from dryness and irritation. Furthermore, using a mineral sunscreen with zinc oxide can help protect the skin from harmful UV rays without aggravating dryness or sensitivity.

For more insights and tips, be sure to check out our previous blog post dedicated to managing dry skin during pregnancy. By incorporating these safe and effective ingredients into your skincare routine, you can maintain healthy and hydrated skin throughout your pregnancy journey.

Alleviating Dryness Caused by Acne Treatments

Pregnancy often brings about various skin changes, including the onset or exacerbation of acne. Benzoyl peroxide can be an effective treatment for acne, but it can also exacerbate dryness and irritation, especially during pregnancy when hormonal changes may further impact the skin.

Pregnant individuals can minimize the risk of excessive dryness and irritation by using squalane alongside benzoyl peroxide treatments. Squalane works by safely moisturizing and hydrating the skin without clogging pores or exacerbating acne, making it an ideal option for expectant mothers looking to alleviate dryness while managing their acne.

It’s worth noting that medical experts commonly recommend a maximum strength of 5% benzoyl peroxide during pregnancy due to a lack of well-controlled studies. For those preferring to err on the side of caution and screen out potentially risky ingredients in their cosmetic products, like benzoyl peroxide, you can use our pregnancy-safe ingredient checker, available on both IOS and Android platforms. 

Squalane to address stretch marks

While squalane is not typically regarded as a direct treatment for stretch marks, its moisturizing properties help to maintain skin hydration and suppleness, which can contribute to improving skin elasticity over time. 

By ensuring the skin remains well-moisturized, squalane can safely reduce the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy while also enhancing overall skin health. Additionally, you can use a suitable belly oil for pregnancy. However, it’s important to manage expectations, as a complete elimination of stretch marks may require a combination of treatments and professional guidance.

To sum up, in the realm of pregnancy skincare, ensuring the safety of squalane is paramount for expectant mothers. Fortunately, squalane emerged as a gentle yet effective solution, widely regarded as safe for use during this transformative period. Its non-irritating nature and low likelihood of causing allergic reactions make it a preferred choice for addressing common skin concerns such as dryness, acne, and stretch marks.

Incorporating squalane that is safe for pregnancy into your skincare regimen can provide essential hydration and support, promoting skin health and maintaining that coveted pregnancy glow. However, as with any skincare ingredient, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance and recommendations tailored to your specific needs and concerns during pregnancy.



Treatment of Acne Vulgaris During Pregnancy and Lactation | The National Library of Medicine

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