Your Summer Pregnancy Skincare Routine

Posted on August 28, 2023

Perfect Summer Pregnancy-safe Skincare Routine


Ah, summer—the season of sun-kissed days, beach adventures, and the pursuit of the ideal pregnancy-safe skincare routine. But with hormonal changes and increased blood volume during pregnancy, susceptibility to UV radiation is heightened, increasing the risk of sunburn. Protecting and caring for your skin during these warm months becomes crucial. From layering products effectively to combating sun-induced melasma, we’ve got you covered.

1. Gentle Cleansing 

Start your pregnancy-safe skincare routine with a mild, non-irritating cleanser to remove impurities. A gentle cleanser, like our favorite ultra-gentle option, prepares your skin for the upcoming layers of care. It ensures a fresh canvas, ready to absorb the benefits of your summer skincare routine.

Use a mild, non-irritating cleanser to remove any impurities in the morning and sunscreen residue at night like this ultra-gentle cleanser.

2. Serum Selection

Apply a lightweight serum with potent ingredients such as vitamin C or s serum with niacinamide. These combat sun-induced melasma, brightening and protecting your skin. Choosing the right serum contributes to an even skin tone, an essential element for your radiant summer glow.

3. Pregnancy-safe facial Moisturizer 

Lock in hydration with a moisturizer tailored to your skin type. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin to maintain optimal skin moisture. Notably, daily moisturizers with SPF may incorporate chemical sunscreen ingredients. For simplicity during pregnancy, find a quality moisturizer and apply sunscreen separately for effective sun protection.

4. Mineral-Based Sunscreen 

Protect your skin from UV rays with a mineral-based sunscreen, reapplying every two hours for maximum effectiveness. Our previous blog post delves into sunscreen specifics. Safeguard your skin against the summer sun without compromising your pregnancy-safe skincare routine.

 You can also check our previous blog post for more specifics on sunscreen such as the use of octinoxate pregnancy

5. Lip Balm with Mineral-Based Sunscreen

Pregnancy hormones can lead to dry, chapped lips. A lip balm with chemical-free sunscreen protects your lips from the sun while providing essential moisture as the final step for your pregnancy-safe skincare routine. 


Pregnancy-safe Skincare Routine From Within 


Incorporate antioxidant-rich foods into your daily diet to enhance your pregnancy-safe skincare routine. Berries and leafy greens combat oxidative stress from UV radiation, providing essential nutrients for healthy and resilient skin.

Hydration, Hydration, Hydration 

During scorching summer months, maintaining skin hydration is a crucial part of your pregnancy-safe skincare routine. Start your day by drinking ample water to prevent dryness and preserve your skin’s elasticity. Adequate hydration is vital in preventing dryness and preserving your skin’s elasticity. ACOG advises pregnant women to drink 8 to 12 cups of water daily. It’s a simple yet crucial step in your summer skincare routine that can make a significant difference.

Post-Sun Recovery

Soothe and replenish your skin by including a hydrating face mask. I used this mask that included Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C. I love using a tinted moisturizer with SPF, like this one from Honest Beauty, to achieve a more even skin tone and a temporary tan effect, all without the need for foundation.

Embracing the Summer Sun

In the journey of achieving a perfect pregnancy-safe skincare routine, it’s worth noting that sunlight isn’t just about skin protection—it can also work its magic on your mood. Sunlight stimulates the production of serotonin, often dubbed the ‘feel-good’ hormone. This serotonin boost can be a ray of sunshine for expectant mothers, helping to ease mood swings and mild pregnancy-related blues, ultimately contributing to a more positive and balanced emotional state.

Additional Medical Insight 

To fortify our recommendations, we turn to reputable medical sources. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) emphasizes the importance of adequate hydration during pregnancy to support overall health, including skin resilience. Furthermore, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides insights into the effectiveness of mineral-based sunscreens in protecting against harmful UV rays, aligning with our guidance on sunscreen selection.

In crafting your summer pregnancy skincare routine, considering advice from ACOG and staying informed about FDA recommendations ensures a comprehensive and medically sound approach. Your radiant skin during pregnancy deserves the best care backed by authoritative medical insights.

 So, as you embrace the summer sun with your pregnancy-safe skincare routine, remember that it’s not only your skin glowing but your spirits, too!

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