Why is my skin so sensitive now that I’m pregnant?

Posted on March 6, 2024

pregnancy safe ingredients sensitive skin


Why is my skin so sensitive now that I’m pregnant?


During pregnancy, many women experience skin changes, with about 90% (!) experiencing some form of skin condition changes. These skin condition changes range from desired effects like the pregnancy glow to unwanted conditions such as stretch marks, melasma, and sensitive skin during pregnancy. These changes can be attributed to a combination of hormonal fluctuations and physical transformations occurring within the body.

During pregnancy, hormone levels surge, especially estrogen and progesterone, surge, leading to increased blood flow to the skin. As noted by Dr. Heather Rogers in our previous interview on pregnancy-safe skincare, MD, this heightened blood flow causes the dilation of blood vessels, raising the risk of irritation. Additionally, as the belly and breasts expand, the skin stretches, which can result in itching or heightened sensitivity.

If your skin reacts negatively after applying a specific product, it’s advisable to discontinue its use to observe if the irritation subsides. It may be necessary to temporarily suspend the use of the product, even if it’s a favorite, until after childbirth when your skin regains its usual state.

To manage sensitive skin during pregnancy, it’s essential to adopt a gentle skincare routine. Unfortunately, not everyone experiences a “pregnancy glow”, and some small adjustments can go a long way. 

Opt for fragrance-free, hypoallergenic products that are specifically formulated for sensitive skin. Moisturize regularly to maintain skin hydration and minimize irritation. Avoid harsh chemicals and ingredients that may exacerbate sensitivity, such as alcohol and retinoids.

In this comprehensive article, we’ll discuss the various skin changes that occur during pregnancy, from the coveted pregnancy glow to the challenges of sensitive skin and the appearance of stretch marks and other skin conditions. We’ll also explore the underlying reasons for these changes, offer practical tips for managing sensitive skin during pregnancy, and provide recommendations for pregnancy-safe skincare products to maintain healthy, radiant skin throughout pregnancy.

Does pregnancy cause touch sensitivity?

Yes, it may.  Dr. Rebecca C. Brightman explains that hormonal changes during pregnancy can lead to increased sensitivity, affecting different parts of the body such as the breasts, nipples, and genital tissues. 

Changes in Skin During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, women may experience several positive changes. Hair often appears thicker, nails may grow faster, and acne might decrease (or increase).

One of the most well-known positive skin changes during pregnancy is the “pregnancy glow” According to studies published in the International Journal of Women’s Dermatology, this radiant appearance is attributed to increased blood circulation and higher levels of hormones, particularly estrogen. Estrogen stimulates the sebaceous glands, leading to a natural sheen and dewy complexion that appears as healthy, radiant skin.

However, some expectant mothers may also encounter negative skin changes, such as a “face rash” or “early pregnancy skin rash.” Hormonal fluctuations, increased blood volume, and changes in immune function can trigger these rashes. 

Additionally, pregnant women may experience an increase in pigmentation, leading to conditions like Melasma, commonly known as “pregnancy mask.” Melasma causes dark patches to appear on the face, particularly on the cheeks, forehead, and upper lip. Hormonal changes, sun exposure, and genetics are believed to contribute to the development of Melasma during pregnancy. 

Hormonal fluctuations play a significant role in the skin changes during pregnancy. Estrogen and progesterone levels rise significantly, influencing various aspects of skin physiology, including sebum production and melanin synthesis.

During pregnancy, certain women may develop heightened skin sensitivity, with one notable condition being intrahepatic cholestasis. This condition involves the obstruction of bile flow from the liver, resulting in severe itching, particularly on the palms and soles of the feet, often worsening during nighttime.. While mild itching is usually harmless, intense itching may indicate intrahepatic cholestasis, a serious liver condition associated with risks like preterm birth, fetal distress, and stillbirth. Seeking medical guidance is crucial when experiencing symptoms of cholestasis during pregnancy.

However, when it comes to achieving the much-admired pregnancy glow, you can enhance and maintain it by following these steps:

  • Nourish your skin from within by consuming a balanced diet packed with fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, which supply vital nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants essential for skin health.
  • Opt for skincare products that are gentle and formulated for sensitive skin, avoiding harsh ingredients that may strip away natural oils and upset the skin’s equilibrium.
  • Prioritize stress management through practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises to promote skin well-being and overall health.
  • Ensure you get sufficient sleep each night, aiming for seven to nine hours of quality rest, allowing your skin ample time to rejuvenate and repair itself while you sleep.

Common misconceptions about the pregnancy glow include:

  • Universality: The pregnancy glow is not experienced by all women, as its development can be influenced by factors such as genetics, skincare routines, and hormone levels.
  • Permanence: The pregnancy glow is typically temporary, diminishing after childbirth as hormone levels return to normal. However, adhering to a diligent skincare routine can contribute to sustaining skin health over time.
  • Positivity: Although often linked with a radiant complexion, some women may encounter skin challenges during pregnancy, such as acne or hyperpigmentation. Seeking guidance from a healthcare provider or dermatologist is crucial for effectively addressing any concerns that arise.

Why is my skin so sensitive all of a sudden during pregnancy?

Experiencing sudden skin sensitivity during pregnancy is a common occurrence, often linked to a variety of factors. One significant contributor is hormonal fluctuations. Changes in hormone levels, particularly increases in estrogen and progesterone, can make the skin more reactive and prone to irritation. These hormonal shifts can affect the skin’s natural barrier function, making it more susceptible to external aggressors and triggering sensitivity.

These hormonal shifts may contribute to certain expectant mothers experiencing adverse changes in their skin, such as “pregnancy face rash” or “early pregnancy skin rash,” during gestation.

Furthermore, certain skincare products or previously well-tolerated ingredients may suddenly cause irritation or allergic reactions during pregnancy. This heightened sensitivity may be due to changes in skin pH levels or increased absorption of topical products into the bloodstream.

To alleviate discomfort and manage these rashes during pregnancy, opt for gentle skincare products specifically designed for sensitive skin. Avoid harsh exfoliants and abrasive cleansers that may further irritate the skin. 

Consider using soothing ingredients such as oatmeal or aloe vera to calm inflammation and reduce redness.

Proactive measures, like steering clear of potential triggers, maintaining proper skincare hygiene, and staying hydrated, can reduce the likelihood of developing rashes during gestation. Seeking guidance from a healthcare provider for tailored recommendations and treatment options is crucial.

Pregnancy Face and Skin Care

During pregnancy, it’s vital to prioritize gentle, non-irritating products for pregnancy face and skin care. Start with a mild cleanser to remove impurities without stripping natural oils. Here are some gentle product examples for your sensitive skin: 

Cetaphil Gentle Face Wash is clinically proven to cleanse while providing hydration for up to 48 hours, thanks to its hydrating glycerin and niacinamide blend. This dermatologist-recommended formula is ideal for sensitive skin. $

Paula’s Choice CALM Ultra-Gentle Cleanser is formulated for sensitive skin, this fragrance-free cleanser calms and soothes redness, making it ideal for those with rosacea or eczema-prone skin. $$

After cleansing, follow up with a hydrating serum to lock in moisture and alleviate dryness.

Neutrogena Hydro Boost + Niacinamide Serum for Face: Formulated with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin B3, this fragrance-free serum hydrates, improves skin complexion and refines the look of pores.

And, of course, remember to apply a high-quality moisturizer generously to all areas of your body to help prevent the formation of stretch marks.

CeraVe moisturizer cream: Non-comedogenic (clo and rich in texture, this cream contains Hyaluronic Acid and Ceramides, leaving skin smooth and hydrated. $

Additionally, to relief issues like eczema, we’d recommend Doctor Rogers Restore Healing Balm. This multi-purpose, award-winning healing ointment and moisturizing gel provides relief for injured, sensitive, and dry skin. $$$

When managing your sensitive skin during pregnancy, it’s crucial to steer clear of ingredients such as retinoids and high concentrations of salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, as they could potentially harm the developing fetus.

However, you can safely continue using a daily vitamin C serum for its anti-aging benefits and to address conditions like melasma. For further details on pregnancy-safe vitamin C serums, refer to our previous blog post. Keep in mind that while vitamin C products are generally safe, some women with sensitive skin may find them less suitable, so it’s essential to consider individual preferences and sensitivities.

When considering DIY home remedies for sensitive skin during pregnancy, the American Pregnancy Association recommends opting for loose-fitting clothing made from natural fibers like cotton. These materials are more breathable than synthetics and less likely to irritate the skin.

Hives While Pregnant

During gestation, hives, identified by raised, itchy welts on the skin, may arise due to hormonal shifts, stress, or allergic reactions. While generally benign, they can cause discomfort and irritation for expectant mothers.

Why does my skin feel like it’s burning during pregnancy?

An example of severe skin sensitivity during pregnancy is Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy (PUPP), which can result in a burning sensation, especially in the third trimester. This condition, characterized by itchy welts or hives known as urticaria, is triggered by factors like skin stretching, hormonal shifts, and potentially genetic predisposition. It’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider for appropriate management and symptom relief.

Urticarial, or hives, can occur during pregnancy due to hormonal changes and increased sensitivity. These raised, itchy welts on the skin can vary in size and shape, appearing suddenly and disappearing within hours. Although usually not harmful, urticaria can cause discomfort for pregnant women. Treatment typically involves antihistamines to relieve itching and inflammation, along with identifying and avoiding triggers.

Pregnant women experiencing urticarial should consult their healthcare provider for proper management. While the condition itself is usually not serious, severe or persistent symptoms should prompt immediate medical attention to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby.

To alleviate hives symptoms during pregnancy, consider taking an over-the-counter first-generation antihistamine to reduce itching and inflammation. Applying a cold compress or taking a lukewarm bath with 100% natural colloidal oatmeal can also help relieve dry, itchy skin. 

Another research backed method is to apply coconut oil, which may help relieve itchy skin in people with mild eczema. 

However, if hives persist or are accompanied by other concerning symptoms, such as difficulty breathing or swelling of the face or throat, seek medical attention immediately.

In addition to the various changes in the skin during pregnancy, it’s important to address specific conditions like Pemphigoid gestationis (PG), also known as gestational pemphigoid. This rare autoimmune disorder typically presents with itchy, blistering rashes on the abdomen and extremities during the second or third trimester of pregnancy. While the exact cause is unknown, it is believed to involve an immune response against components of the skin and placenta. Although Pemphigoid Gestationis can be uncomfortable and concerning, especially due to the potential risk to the baby, timely diagnosis and management by healthcare professionals can help alleviate symptoms and ensure a healthy pregnancy outcome.

Managing Pemphigoid Gestationis during pregnancy often involves a combination of topical and systemic treatments, including corticosteroids and antihistamines, to reduce inflammation and itching. Additionally, monitoring fetal well-being through regular prenatal care is essential to detect any potential complications early on. While Pemphigoid Gestationis may resolve on its own after childbirth, some women may require ongoing treatment postpartum to prevent recurrence.

In summary, pregnancy brings about various changes in the skin, with many women experiencing alterations ranging from the coveted pregnancy glow to challenges like sensitive skin and the appearance of stretch marks and other skin conditions. These transformations are primarily driven by hormonal fluctuations, such as increases in estrogen and progesterone, which heighten blood flow to the skin and contribute to sensitivity and irritation. While some changes are unavoidable, adopting a gentle skincare routine with fragrance-free, hypoallergenic products can help alleviate discomfort and maintain skin health. It’s essential to avoid harsh chemicals like retinoids and high concentrations of salicylic acid to protect the developing fetus. 

Despite these challenges, enhancing and maintaining the pregnancy glow is possible through a balanced diet, stress management, and adequate sleep. By understanding and addressing these skin changes, expectant mothers can navigate pregnancy with confidence, embracing the journey to motherhood with radiant, healthy skin.



Are You More Sensitive To Touch When You’re Pregnant? Here’s What Experts Say | Romper

Physiologic changes of pregnancy | International Journal of Women’s Dermatology

Cholestasis: A Prospective Study of Perinatal Outcomes and Time to Symptom Improvement | American Journal of Perinatology

How much water should I drink during pregnancy? |ACOG

How to Treat Itchy Skin Naturally During Pregnancy | The American Pregnancy Association

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